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Thunderous Takedowns: Ranking the 10 Most Potent Marvel Characters Who Obliterated Mjolnir

From Asgardian royalty to some of Thor's fiercest rivals, these heavy hitters have shattered one of the most iconic weapons in Marvel history..

(Photo: CBR/Marvel)

In the Marvel universe, Thor is often depicted with his iconic hammer, Mjolnir, by his side. The ability to wield Mjolnir is seen as a significant indicator of Thor's worthiness as a hero, as the legendary weapon elevates the already mighty god to a being of cosmic importance. However, despite being enchanted by Odin himself, Mjolnir is not invulnerable.

Throughout Marvel lore, there have been instances where only a select few beings have managed to shatter Mjolnir. Among these are some of Asgard's deadliest enemies and surprisingly, even some of its greatest heroes. Below, we present a list of the ten individuals who have destroyed Mjolnir, ranked by their immense power - starting with literal gods and ascending to even greater forces.

[Please note that the events described in the comics and stories might vary, and the power rankings are subject to interpretation within the vast Marvel multiverse.]

NO # 10 is Loki

(Photo: Marvel/Marvel Comics)

In the tumultuous bond between Loki and Thor, characterized by a rivalry that spans both the MCU and comics, jealousy has always been Loki's driving force. He yearns for what Thor possesses, most notably the awe-inspiring Mjolnir. This envy takes center stage in the events of Thor Vol. 2 #80, penned by Michael Avon Oeming, Daniel Berman, and Andrea Divito.

Understanding that he can never wield the true Mjolnir due to its unworthiness enchantment, Loki resorts to a cunning plan. He cunningly steals the mold used to craft the mighty weapon and endeavors to forge his own version. Moreover, in a display of audacious ambition, Loki creates similar weapons for his dark allies as well. Assembling a formidable alliance with Hyrm the giant, Ulik the troll, and Fenris the wolf-beast, he sets his sights on confronting Thor head-on. Despite being a god of immense power, Loki typically relies on trickery and subterfuge rather than direct confrontation.

However, as fate would have it, the situation spirals out of control. In the heat of the battle, Loki's associates accidentally cause the demise of Amora the Enchantress, which triggers a furious response from Thor. The clash between the two adversaries results in a cataclysmic explosion that not only obliterates Mjolnir but also lays waste to the surrounding terrain.

NO # 9 is Jane Foster

(Photo: Marvel/Marvel Comics)

In an epic saga penned by Jason Aaron and brought to life by Russel Dauterman, Jane Foster, who had taken up the mantle of Thor in the absence of the original hero, found herself entangled in a contest of the gods. As fate would have it, her formidable adversaries unleashed the monstrous Mangog to face her. It became apparent that Mangog was an indomitable force, impervious to any conventional means of destruction, leaving Jane with a heart-wrenching decision.

Summoning her courage and wisdom, Jane devised a daring plan. She cunningly ensnared Mjolnir, the enchanted hammer that granted her godly powers, within Mangog's unyielding chains. With unyielding resolve, she harnessed the might of the hammer to propel the unstoppable behemoth towards the searing heart of a star. The collision was cataclysmic, and in a stunning display of sacrifice, Mjolnir succumbed, shattering upon successfully imprisoning Mangog where he could no longer bring harm to anyone.

Despite Jane not achieving victory through sheer physical strength, her godly prowess allowed her to accomplish the seemingly impossible – casting Mjolnir into the blazing inferno of a star, effectively sealing Mangog's fate. The aftermath of this extraordinary feat led to the unexpected emergence of Mjolnir in a transformed state – astonishingly fused with Mangog's essence, giving rise to the new God of Hammers.

NO # 8 is Silver Surfer

(Photo: Marvel/Marvel Comics)

In a twisted tale penned by Robert Kirkman and brought to life through Sean Phillips' artwork, the Marvel Zombies series unveils a horrifying apocalypse where a nefarious virus spreads across the world, infecting even its mighty superhero denizens, transforming them into ravenous zombies. As chaos reigns on Earth, an unexpected cosmic threat emerges when Galactus, the devourer of worlds, seizes the opportunity to send his herald, the Silver Surfer, to announce his impending feast on the beleaguered planet.

Despite the gravity of the situation, the infected superheroes are tragically consumed by their insatiable hunger for brains, failing to comprehend the enormity of the danger posed by Galactus. Their only obsession is to devour the Silver Surfer's cosmic essence, oblivious to the apocalyptic peril that looms over them.

Initially, the Silver Surfer's Power Cosmic grants him immunity against the relentless undead horde. However, the zombified Thor, still wielding his enchanted hammer, Mjolnir, hatches a diabolical plan to bring down Galactus' herald. With an unholy surge of strength, Thor strikes the Silver Surfer with all his might, shattering Mjolnir in the process and sending the once invincible Surfer crashing to the ground.

In this macabre saga, the Silver Surfer's survival can only be partially attributed to his own resilience, as the malevolent zombie Thor unwittingly contributed to Mjolnir's destruction through his relentless assault. As the fate of Earth hangs in the balance, the tale takes an even darker turn, with the fate of the universe itself at stake in the hands of the Marvel Zombies.

NO # 7 is The Destroyer

(Photo: Marvel/Marvel Comics)

In the fateful storyline of Journey Into Mystery #118, penned by the legendary duo of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1952, an extraordinary event unfolded in the realm of Asgard. Odin, the All-Father, devised an ingenious plan to safeguard his kingdom against potential threats from the Celestials. He enchanted a formidable suit of armor with invincibility, which he named the Destroyer, and imbued it with the capability to spring to life when the time demanded.

But, as with many tales of mischief and mayhem, Loki, the mischievous and cunning god, intervened. Exploiting an opportune moment, he awakened the dormant Destroyer, which had remained comatose in storage. This seemingly foolproof plan soon spiraled into chaos, as the once formidable guardian now wreaked havoc upon the very realm it was intended to protect.

In a desperate bid to halt the rampaging Destroyer, Thor, the valiant hero and son of Odin, courageously confronted the colossal suit of armor. However, his noble efforts proved fruitless when the Destroyer's powerful optic beams sliced Thor's beloved hammer, Mjolnir, in two. The heart-wrenching sight of his cherished weapon shattered Thor, but he refused to relent in the face of adversity.

Fearing the disastrous consequences of the Destroyer's unchecked wrath, Odin himself intervened to put an end to the chaos. He utilized his vast power to disable the once mighty guardian, restoring a semblance of order to Asgard. Despite its destructive capabilities, even the gods had reason to dread the unleashed fury of the Destroyer.

However, in an unforeseen twist, the seemingly invincible Destroyer now possessed a critical vulnerability. It required a soul to operate, leaving the one who wielded it vulnerable to potential attacks. This newfound weakness added a precarious dimension to the formidable armor, creating a challenging dilemma for anyone who sought to control its might.

In this epic saga of gods and giants, the clash between power and vulnerability unfolded, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of those who called Asgard home. The memory of the day Thor's hammer was sliced in two by the malevolent Destroyer would forever remain etched in the annals of Asgardian history.

NO # 6 is Perrikus

(Photo: Marvel/Marvel Comics)

In the depths of the mysterious realm, there existed a formidable force known as the Dark Gods, who stood as the opposing forces to the noble Asgardians. Perrikus, their enigmatic and malevolent leader, vowed vengeance upon Asgard when one of his own kind tragically lost her life. With meticulous planning and cunning strategy, Perrikus orchestrated a devastating invasion of Asgard, catching its defenders off guard.

In a swift and calculated move, Perrikus managed to imprison the mighty Odin while he set forth on a relentless tour of destruction across the realm. As chaos engulfed Asgard, the valiant Thor, armed with his trusted Mjolnir, bravely confronted Perrikus to halt his rampage and protect his homeland.

However, to everyone's surprise, Mjolnir's fierce attack had no effect on Perrikus, leaving him unscathed and undeterred. Seizing the opportunity, the Dark God leader effortlessly split the legendary hammer in two with a mighty swing of his scythe, shattering the symbol of Thor's power and connection to his heritage. In this moment of vulnerability, Perrikus unleashed a devastating blow upon Thor, stripping him of his divine persona, forcing a hasty retreat to his mortal form.

Perrikus indeed wielded power that rivaled even the mightiest of Asgardians, boasting to be the deity of "power unlimited." Nevertheless, in the vast Marvel universe, realms of existence existed beyond even the impressive capabilities of Perrikus and his Dark Gods. This cataclysmic battle unfolded in the pages of Thor #10, crafted by the masterful storytelling of Dan Jurgens and the breathtaking artistry of John Romita Jr.

NO # 5 is Exitar the Executioner

(Photo: Marvel/Marvel Comics)

In the vast expanse of the universe, the Celestials stand as formidable overseers of life, each unique in power and purpose. Among these awe-inspiring beings, Odin has shown his prowess by besting individual Celestials on previous occasions. Yet, there exists one of unparalleled might, known as Exitar, the dreaded executioner of the Celestial race, tasked with the somber duty of razing planets that fail to meet the Celestials' lofty expectations. As Exitar sets his sights on yet another planet to add to his long list of purges, the courageous Thor steps forward, resolute in his determination to halt this colossal adversary and protect innocent lives.

In Thor #388, a gripping tale penned by the imaginative minds of Tom DeFalco and brought to life by the artistic strokes of Ron Frenz, Thor confronts the enormity of his task as he faces the daunting Exitar. The battle between them rages on, requiring not only Thor's immense strength but also his strategic prowess. Thor delves deep into his divine abilities, seeking a way to make Exitar vulnerable enough for defeat. With unwavering resolve, he channels the potent energy of the God Blast through his mighty weapon, Mjolnir, aiming squarely at Exitar's imposing head. The resulting explosion echoes across the cosmos, and for a moment, Thor's heart soars as he breaks through Exitar's seemingly impenetrable exterior.

Yet, victory comes at a great cost. The intense power of the God Blast fractures Mjolnir, shattering the once-indestructible hammer. Although Thor manages to breach Exitar's defenses, he soon realizes the Celestial's resilience surpasses his expectations. Despite his valiant efforts, Thor finds himself outmatched against the sheer might of Exitar. In a surprising turn, Exitar reveals that his intended purge is more limited than Thor initially assumed. Even the God of Thunder's heroic intervention cannot sway the Celestial's ultimate judgment, and with grim determination, Exitar carries out the partial purge of the planet.

Defeated but not broken, Thor is banished from the celestial scene, forced to witness the aftermath of Exitar's actions from afar. In a testament to the cosmic order maintained by the Celestials, Mjolnir is restored, repaired through celestial means. Thor, humbled by the experience, reflects on the magnitude of his adversaries and the profound responsibility they hold over the balance of life in the universe.

In the wake of this epic encounter, the heavens resonate with a somber yet awe-inspiring realization— even the mightiest of heroes must confront their limitations in the face of cosmic forces beyond comprehension. Thor's journey continues, and as he navigates the cosmos, he carries with him the indelible memory of his battle against Exitar, a reminder of the enduring struggle between mortal determination and the unfathomable might of the Celestials.

NO # 4 is Molecule Man

(Photo: Marvel/Marvel Comics)

In the Marvel universe, the enigmatic Molecule Man is widely regarded as one of the most formidable villains ever encountered. Possessing near-omnipotent abilities, he wields the power to manipulate matter at the molecular level, granting him nearly limitless potential. Surprisingly, later revelations shed light on the existence of multiple incarnations of Molecule Man across different realities, each one acting as a deadly contingency created by the immensely powerful Beyonders. These sinister replicas were intended to serve as a cataclysmic multiverse-destroying force if the Beyonders ever grew weary of their own creation, as happened during the events of the 2015 "Secret Wars."

In an astonishing display of power depicted in Jim Shooter and Alan Weiss' Avengers #215, this malevolent figure effortlessly dispatched Thor's hammer, a supposedly indestructible weapon, with a mere gesture. Not stopping there, he also disintegrated Captain America's shield, the Silver Surfer's board, and Iron Man's armor, leaving the Avengers in awe of his immense might. However, as it turns out, even this seemingly unstoppable force can be reasoned with.

Through astute negotiation and diplomacy, the Avengers managed to establish a temporary truce with Molecule Man, eventually leading to Thor's successful retrieval of his mighty hammer. While the encounter was perilous, it showcased the importance of communication and understanding, even when confronting beings of immense power.

NO # 3 is Bor

(Photo: Marvel/Marvel Comics)

In the vast Marvel Universe, the character Thor, a powerful Asgardian, has a notable lineage. Before Odin, Thor's father, there was Bor, who held the title of All-Father. Bor is depicted as a primordial creator god with immense power, capable of monumental feats such as obliterating planets effortlessly. In a captivating storyline showcased in Thor #600, the cunning Loki manages to unleash Bor, Thor's adopted grandfather, with the hope that the unleashed fury will bring destruction upon Asgard. 

Faced with the imminent threat to his beloved realm and its people, Thor courageously confronts Bor, ready to defend his home. Their confrontation unfolds in an epic and intense battle, pushing Thor to the limits of his strength and resolve. In an awe-inspiring display of power, Thor strikes with unprecedented force, leading to a jaw-dropping moment as he shatters his iconic weapon, Mjolnir, in a titanic blow against his formidable grandfather. The captivating storyline in Thor #600 is a collaborative work of talented creators including J. Michael Straczynski, Olivier Coipel, and Marko Djurdjevic.

NO # 2 is All-Father Thor

(Photo: Marvel/Marvel Comics)

In numerous instances, Thor can be credited with the partial destruction of Mjolnir, particularly when wielding it with his utmost strength against seemingly indestructible foes. However, there have been occasions when Thor single-handedly shattered Mjolnir. One such significant event occurred in Donny Cates and Nic Klein's Thor #23. During this storyline, Mjolnir had bonded with the formidable creature Mangog, presenting a formidable challenge to Thor. Realizing that defeating the newly crowned God of Hammers required drastic measures, Thor, who had ascended to the position of All-Father after succeeding Odin and obtained the Power Cosmic from Galactus, devised a daring plan.

The mighty All-Father Thor devised a strategy to trap the God of Hammers and embarked on a journey to Nidavellir, the realm of the Dwarves and the birthplace of Mjolnir. There, with the combination of the heat from a billion suns and the immense power of the God of Thunder, he harnessed an unprecedented level of energy. With this cosmic power coursing through him, Thor brought down his immense strength upon Mjolnir, shattering the enchanted hammer into countless pieces.

This bold act not only eliminated the immediate threat posed by the God of Hammers but also showcased Thor's unwavering determination and sacrifice for the greater good. It is a testament to the indomitable spirit of the God of Thunder, proving that even the most iconic and powerful artifacts can be destroyed when the need arises.

NO # 1 is MCU Hela

(Photo: Marvel/Marvel Comics)

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the movie "Thor: Ragnarok" depicted an altered version of the character Hela, portrayed by the talented Cate Blanchett. In the film, Hela shattered Mjolnir using her formidable magical abilities, granting her immense power as long as she could tap into Asgard's energy. Although this portrayal diverged from the comics, it appeared to combine elements of the comic book goddess of death (who, in the comics, is actually Loki's daughter and not Odin's) with Thor's long-lost sister, Angela. This amalgamation suggested that in the comic book lore, Angela possesses the capability to draw upon sufficient power to potentially shatter Mjolnir. Notably, Angela has expressed confidence in the past, stating that she could defeat Thor in a one-on-one battle.

Throughout its comic book history, Mjolnir has indeed been shattered on numerous occasions, but always at the hands of exceptionally powerful villains. These adversaries have ranged from fellow gods to enigmatic Celestials and even the formidable Mangog. Despite the hammer's susceptibility to destruction, it remains steadfastly loyal to Thor, as Mjolnir willingly chooses to be wielded only by the most exceptional warriors in the galaxy. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Thor continues to be the chosen partner of this legendary weapon.

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